National Fresh Water Fishing Hall of Fame - 2004

Updated: 11/09/08

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The Hall of Fame includes an interesting collection of information and equipment. While most of names of people in the hall of fame were unfamiliar to us, the displays and antique equipment were worth the trip. The admission was $11.45 per person. It is a very casual destination - your fishing clothes are okay. Allow at least a couple hours for the walk-thru.


The first thing that catches your eye is this big fish. It is designed to resemble a muskellunge and contains some of the displays and memorial information. From its mouth you can see all the grounds.


big fish walkin.jpg (31730 bytes)            big fish people in.jpg (19993 bytes)


grounds.jpg (39687 bytes)


Scattered around the grounds are large fish.


fish 1.jpg (50787 bytes)            fish 2.jpg (46495 bytes)


fish 3.jpg (53103 bytes)            fish 4.jpg (47913 bytes)


ml caught.jpg (33415 bytes)    Mary Lou 'caught' one of them.




fhf two bass.jpg (39397 bytes)The displays continue in the several buildings. These two bass were just inside the first display area. 





fish record.jpg (40791 bytes)The walls are filled with trophy and record fish. Many record fish have been superceded buy new records - they have them on display also. 





babe 3.jpg (31203 bytes)Frame photographs of people important to fresh water fishing are hung throughout the buildings. Babe is one Fred and son Fred watched on television and met in person a few years ago.




poles and nets.jpg (43790 bytes)Also inside were displays of all things related to fishing - poles, lures, tackle boxes, motors, boats and other items. Some items are very unique.





aquacycle.jpg (40856 bytes)An Aquacycle that you steered by shifting your weight ...






This Twin Fin was supposed to propel a boat through the water silently.

fhf twin fin.jpg (46667 bytes)



oars reverse.jpg (26898 bytes)Reverse operating oars ... 

            oars reverse gears.jpg (15512 bytes)




A reel that sets the hook for you ...

cooke reel.jpg (22476 bytes)



ob folding.jpg (37989 bytes)This is one of several folding outboard motors displayed.






light cradle.jpg (24495 bytes)This is a light cradle used by Indian fishermen while spear fishing.





pole progression.jpg (37554 bytes)The progression of fishing poles from sticks, bamboo to the high-tech composites of today is shown.





Did you know Evinrude made camp stoves?

camp stove.jpg (29772 bytes)



Fred has a spinning locator that looks like this - low tech compared to the graphs out now. He has an outboard like this one also - he was wondering how old it was.

loktor.jpg (20961 bytes)            ob chrysler 5.jpg (39864 bytes)



Talking about outboards ... they have rooms full of outboards.
There had to be hundreds of them.

ob and fish.jpg (46704 bytes)


ob 1.jpg (51800 bytes)            ob 2.jpg (45026 bytes)


ob3.jpg (48807 bytes)

ob bad shape.jpg (26258 bytes)
This is the worst condition ...


This is the first Johnson manufactured model ...

ob first johnson mfg.jpg (27013 bytes)


Trolling motors are nothing new.

hand trolling.jpg (44627 bytes)





fhf trolling 1.jpg (48791 bytes)            fhf trolling 2.jpg (40119 bytes)



They have a huge collection of lures of all kinds.


lures michigan.jpg (31119 bytes)These are lures made in Michigan.


lure collection.jpg (53590 bytes)This is one man's collection.










Most lures displayed were commercially manufactured. Others were handmade and unique.

lure spoon.jpg (22192 bytes)            lures dice pin opener.jpg (29239 bytes)
A real spoon ...                        Dice and a can opener ...


lure chipmunk.jpg (23878 bytes)
A chipmunk ...



And, where do you store your lures? In a tackle box, of course. Some were very old, some just old.

tackle box older.jpg (26289 bytes)            tackle box trays.jpg (41897 bytes)



hook dr name.jpg (14384 bytes)Have you ever had a hook stuck in you? If you have, you will be glad Dr. Krueger help was not required. Your name could be posted on this board for all to see.


hook dr board.jpg (31787 bytes)




teeter totter.jpg (28691 bytes)Everything was fishing related - even the children's play yard.




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